Parks, Recreation, Programs and Facilities Support

A community’s parks and recreation program exemplifies the community’s quality of life. Your donation to the Mesa Parks and Recreation Division through the Foundation supports Mesa’s nationally recognized parks program. The Foundation has supported numerous projects within Mesa, including development of the Park of the Canals master plan, Falcon Field Park renovation, Mesa Arts Center development, and t-shirt sponsorship for youth programs. Please consider being part of the action!

Adaptive Recreation

Physically and mentally disabled individuals are provided once-in-a-lifetime experiences. The Foundation supports efforts for the disabled.

Special Events

Since its founding, the Foundation has been a proud supporter of many of Mesa’s special events such as Celebrate Mesa.

Tree Donation Program

We recognize that having more shade at City of Mesa parks is a priority. Have you ever wanted to help in this effort? Well now you can! Anyone can donate funding to help plant more trees at City of Mesa parks!

Follow the link to donate, and be sure to select the tree program to donate what you can to plant more trees in our parks! Any amount can help make a difference.

Memorial Tree and Bench Program

Any interested party can make a donation to the Foundation to provide a living memorial for someone special. Please contact the Parks Dept. Foundation liaison Haylie Smith at 480-644-3498 or [email protected]. Your donation will be used to purchase and plant a tree in one of Mesa’s parks under the following conditions:

  • Minimum of a 24 box tree will be purchased and planted by the Park Maintenance staff.
  • Average cost of a tree is $300.
  • Park Maintenance staff will determine where, and what type of tree will be planted (Requests for locations can be made but park locations are limited).
  • No warranty can be provided on the tree.
  • The Parks Foundation liaison will inform the interested party as to the location and type of tree planted, and the Foundation will prepare and deliver a certificate recognizing the donation that was made (no plaques will be allowed to be placed at the tree site).

Memorial benches can be purchased and placed at specific City of Mesa parks. Our memorial benches also include engraved plaques. The Parks Foundation liaison will work with you on the location of the bench and the engraving.

Making Waves Scholarship Program

The Foundation supports the City of Mesa’s "Making Waves" program, which provides discounted learn-to-swim lessons and discounted competitive team membership to Mesa residents in need.

The mission of the Making Waves program is to play a key role in the reduction of child drowning incidents in Mesa through water safety education and teaching disadvantaged children how to swim.

A tax deductible donation to the Foundation provides these opportunities.

The Mesa Sprint Triathlon

One of the signature events for our fundraising activities, this annual triathlon raises money to help fight childhood obesity in our communities by providing scholarships for aquatics and after school athletic programs to children in need.

Save Our Train

For decades, the Pioneer Park train engine #2355 was a playground for Mesa’s children, but a fence went up around it in the early 1990s as it slowly decayed. The Mesa City Council gave residents two months to come up with a solution, or watch the rusting hulk be disposed of. Subsequently, the Foundation is assisting a group of citizens have formed an active fundraising committee to save the historic icon.

Park of The Canals

The Park of the Canals is a 31-acre site containing picnic ramadas, restrooms, a botanical garden, trails, and a playground.  It is a unique site that preserves the remnants of prehistoric, historic, and pioneer structures and irrigation canals.  The playground was originally constructed in 1988 but was removed in 2005 due to significant safety concerns and the reality that only a few swing sets remained.  Consequently,  neighbors and interested Mesa residents formed a coalition to lead the efforts in fundraising and site design for a new playground.  They won the financial support of the local Rotary clubs and the Foundation for Mesa Parks and Recreation to accept tax-deductible donations for renovation efforts. Soon thereafter FMPR partnered with the Kaboom Foundation to build a brand new playground that has helped transform the park back into the wonderful community landmark that it is today.